Sunday 20 October 2013

Day 5 - Brief Update

Last night's RV stop was in the middle of nowhere.  Mark was woken by the rain at approx. 01:15.  This rain continued during the first few miles of day 5 but had stopped by the time Mark had ran 10k.  The forecast for the day was for temperatures between 12 and 16 degrees Celsius but it was a cold start meaning that Mark had to wear 4 layers.

Here are some of Mark's thoughts for the start of Day 5.  Those of you who have followed the journey so far will know that Mark has been plagued by flies, this was the report from this morning:

"The ten thousand Australian foot soldiers are nowhere to be seen today. They must not work on Sundays! #flies"

Staying with the theme of flies, Mark received his first piece of #rgrart this afternoon from 7 year old Millie Rowe who lives in Newcastle upon Tyne.  I think she captures the scene really well - great stuff Millie!

Mark continued to make good progress throughout the day and as usual took the opportunity to share pictures and audio as often as possible.  Here are some more pictures and sounds.

Thoughts on Merredin Day 5 and great to see the distance from Perth increasing!

Mark achieved some good miles today but also ensured that he stopped for sleep (#tacticalsnooze) as well as important meal times.  Aside from the flies there hasn't been a great deal of wildlife along the route so far. Although the following sign was a warning of risks to follow.  I've added some more #rgrart to this section.  This one comes from Josh Healy, aged 10 from Newcastle upon Tyne.  Some great detail Josh, well done!

For anyone who was brave enough to look at the pictures of Mark's feet yesterday, please feel free to do so again today (Twitter/Facebook).  I can't bring myself to add them to the blog.  Needless to say that Mark is in a lot of discomfort and for that reason he called it a day at 31 miles.  Here are his thoughts for the End of day 5.